Two Key Benefits Of Having A Personal Growth Coach

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I trust you've had a GREAT summer and are gearing up for a GREAT fall!

I know you're busy so I'll be brief

With kids back in school, vacations and family reunions over, and with weekend trips to the lake or family cabin coming to a close, many of us are looking to get back into some kind of productive and purposeful routine.

Two Key Benefits Of Having A Personal Growth Coach

As I've coached hundreds of people over the past 3 years, I've noticed two primary benefits of having a personal growth coach.

First, There’s a commitment to a PROCESS

Many times we want to grow, but "life gets in the way." But when you've made a commitment of time, effort, and money into a coaching process, you know that at least once a month your coaching is going to be connecting with you to help you get where you want to go. That's a huge benefit to having a personal life-focus coach.

Second, There’s a commitment in a mutual PARTNERSHIP

Having someone walking with you in the direction you want to go is also huge. Having a coach who can draw things out of you, give you ideas, offer encouragement and inspiration, be a sounding board, keep you on track according to where you want to go and so on, is also extremely invaluable.

In fact, do you know that the stats show if you're working on a goal with someone else, the chances of you reaching your goal goes from 15% (if you try to do it on your own) up to 75 to 80% (if you have someone working with you and walking with you as you move toward that goal)? That's HUGE.

A Special Offer:

I'm working on my coaching schedule for the fall and have a few coaching spots still available, so I'm offering a 3 month (October through December), once a month, one hour coaching session (via zoom) for just $155 a month.

That's 50% off my normal coaching cost.

Here's why I'm offering this special fall offer:

  • I only have a few coaching spots still available

  • I don't want finances to be a deterrent to anyone who really wants coaching

  • I usually only offer a 6 month or 12 month coaching package at much higher rates

  • I want to help you move from where you’re at to where you want to go

Next Steps:

If you are interested simply email me at and or call me on my cell at 216-374-0016 and we'll go from there.

However, if I could hear back from you by September 15th, that way we can get our initial call set up and our first coaching session scheduled for sometime in the month of October.

Living On Purpose,

Ken L Roberts

P.S. If I can serve you, I'd be honored to do so.
Email me at or
Call me on my cell at 216-374-0016