Finding YOURSELF In The Storm


We all experience storms.

Live long enough and adversity comes to all of us. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a prolonged illness, a devastating divorce, a crushing financial loss, or the coronavirus crisis - no one’s immune from storms.

But let me suggest two things we can gain in the midst of a storm.

Storms shape us

After my late wife was killed in a car accident, I wrote these words:

Over the years I’ve observed a variety of ways people have responded to difficulty, and as a result, have been shaped by it. Some become hardened, others more humble. Some become cynical, others more grateful. Some grow to resent life; others discover a deeper purpose to life. Some wilt, others bloom. Some learn to hate, others learn to love. Some become hopeless; others become resilient. Some are blown off course; others are moved toward their destiny.

It’s not a question of if a storm will shape us, it’s only a question of how. Our response determines the outcome!

Storms shake us

Storms also shake us, and when they do, they often reveal any of our faulty foundations. Especially in these two areas:

  • Storms expose our false images

What I’ve found in my own life, and observed in thousands of others whom I’ve pastored, counseled, and coached is that during a storm, the false images we’ve been projecting, and all the two bit parts we’ve been playing, start to crack. The gale force winds make it difficult to fake it anymore and who we really are starts to surface. Some of what surfaces is good and some of it, not so good.

But here’s the bright spot.

Allowing our false images to surface in the midst of a storm is the only way for deeper healing to occur and for our true selves to further emerge. Real transformation happens in the midst of our pain and in the moments of our openness and vulnerability. When our weaknesses surface, God’s grace rushes in and our journey of deeper transformation begins. So don’t hide these shadowy sides that surface during a storm. Acknowledge they’re there. Let God come in, hold you, heal you, and transform you.

  • Storms uncover our idols

For most of us, we don’t have an idol setting on our living room mantle, but trust me, we all have our idols! Here’s how to spot your idols - especially during a storm. An idol is anything or anyone we run to instead of first running to God. Money. Possessions. Spouse. Family. Friends. Government. Church - anything we depend on, or trust in, more than God during a storm reveals our real gods.

So let me ask you:

How is the current storm exposing your idols? What are you trusting in during this storm more deeply than God?

More Storms Are On The Way

This article isn’t meant to condemn, sound self-righteous or come off as super spiritual. It’s purpose is to encourage us to take advantage of the current storm we’re in. Let it dig our foundations even deeper. Because guess what? This storm will pass, but another one will come. That’s not a dooms-day prophesy, just stating a fact of life. Live long enough and storms happen. Take advantage of the current one and and you’ll be better prepared for the coming one.

If I Can Help - Totally FREE!
I coach people for a living…but during this current storm we’re all in - if I can help you navigate this season in your own life, or if you just need someone to talk to who’s been through his own storms - I’d be honored to help.

Hit the button below and Schedule Your Free Coaching Call. I look forward to connecting.

Ken Roberts