3 Keys To Your Growth In 2020 - Guaranteed!
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In my last blog - The ONE Thing You Shouldn't Do In 2020 - I wrote about the importance of not drifting in 2020. 

(see that blog here) 


In this blog I'd like to share with you 3 Keys To Your Growth In 2020 - Guaranteed!

First, be clear on where you want to go. 

This seems obvious, but after working with hundreds of people over the years, I'm surprised at how many people don't have clarity on their general direction in life. Many people, actually, most people, don't have what I call a personal compass or their own North-Star. 

Discovering your North-Star isn't that difficult (I'm going to write about it in my next blog), but in general you have to figure out who you want to become and what you want to accomplish. 

Second, move your compass to your calendar.

Once you know where you want to go (your compass), then you have to put specific times in your calendar to move in that direction. 

For example. If you want to get healthier in 2020 by working out 3 times a week, you can't leave that to chance. You have to slot in your calendar specifically when you're going to work out throughout the week. 

Third, get a partner to pull you in the direction you want to go

You've possibly heard the stats on this key to growth, but it's really quite staggering:

  • If you have a goal in your head - but don't right it down - the chance of you reaching that goal is only about 15 to 20%.

  • If you write that goal down and keep it in a place that's consistently visible to you - the chance of you reaching that goal increases to about 40 to 50%.

  • But if you get someone to partner with you on that particular goal - the chance of you reaching that goal increases to about 80 to 90%.  

If you’ll do these 3 things in 2020 I guarantee you that you’ll grow!

If I Can Further Help

Simply email me at Ken@KenLRoberts.com or call me at 216-374-0016

Living On Purpose In 2020


Ken Roberts
ONE Thing You Shouldn't Do In 2020!

Welcome to 2020!

As you enter into a new year, let me encourage you with one thing you shouldn’t do…


I’ve never known anyone who woke up one day and discovered they had drifted into the person they wanted to become or by chance accomplished the things they wanted to accomplish. 

Instead, what I’ve discovered in my own life and what I’ve observed in coaching hundreds of others is that… 

Drifting never takes us in the direction we want to go.


Here are 3 simple questions that can help you be more intentional as you head into 2020.

First, ask yourself,

Who do I want to further become in 2020?

Being always precedes doing. Who we are becoming is always more important than what we are accomplishing. So before you get to what you want to accomplish in 2020, first ask yourself who do you want to further become? Do you want to become more loving, more joyful, more disciplined, more organized, more enthusiastic, more hopeful, more inspiring, etc. The external fruit we produce always comes from the inward seed we sow. 

Second, ask yourself,

What do I want to accomplish in 2020? 

Do you want to write a book? Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Do you want to pay off your debts? Do you want to take a special vacation to the mountains? Start with something that’s realistic for you to accomplish and then keep your list somewhere around 3 to 5 goals - max.  

Third, ask yourself,

How am I going to do these things I’ve listed in questions 1 and 2 above?

This doesn’t (and really shouldn’t) be overly complicated. This is where I see many people trip themselves up. They make the plan so detailed and so cumbersome that it’s impossible for them to accomplish what they’ve set out to do, and then usually what happens is that they give up on their goals all together. 

One way to keep this from happening is to make the plan clear and yet keep it simple. 

So, as you enter into 2020, again let me encourage you... 


Be intentional with who you want to become and what you want to accomplish and then be specific on how you plan on doing so. 

If I can serve you live a more intentional life in 2020, I'd be honored to do so. 

Simply call me at 216-374-0016 or email me at Ken@KenLRoberts.com.

God's ongoing best in 2020

Ken L Roberts

Ken Roberts
I Did It And I’m Sooo Glad I Did!

A few years ago I made a HUGE life-changing decision and I’m sooo glad I did!

I decided to take the plunge and move into my sweet spot. It was a BIG STEP with some BIG RISK, but I’m so glad I did it.

Here’s Why:

  • I wanted to beat the odds

According to research, only 20% of leaders ever make it into what’s called “convergence.” It’s when your gifts, passions, temperament, and life experiences all come together and you start living out of your “sweet spot.” Yep, you hear that number right; only about 20% ever make it there.

I didn’t want to be a part of that 80% so I made a very clear decision to move toward and eventually into my sweet spot. And I’m loving it!

  • I wanted to live every day with passion connected to my purpose

I knew I could continue pastoring for several more years and probably still do a reasonably good job at it, but I knew that’s what I wasn’t suppose to do. I knew I needed to narrow my focus so I could make a more meaningful contribution in the next season of my life. So I started asking myself the question, What ‘s the greatest contribution I can make and have to make for others, over the nexts 15 to 20 years of my life? I knew these were three nails I wanted to hit for the rest of my life:

  • Helping people live a more focused and purposeful life

  • Helping pastors live well while they lead well

  • Helping local churches in their ongoing health and growth.

  • I wanted greater freedom and flexibility

I’ll never forget when I was working with an executive coach who was helping me discover my sweet spot. One day he asked me, “So Ken, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?” After I told him he said, “So what are you waiting on?” He said, “You know a lot of people wait until they retire and then think they’ll start doing what they really want to do.” But he said, “That’s stupid. Don’t wait, start heading in that direction now!” So that’s what I did. doing it now.

  • I wanted to be closer to my family

When I made the decision (over four years ago) to move into my sweet spot, I was living 12 hours away from my nearest family. So as part of this process of moving into my convergence, I moved from Minneapolis Minnesota back to Cleveland, Ohio to be closer to most of my family. And oh how rewarding the move has been. The opportunity to be with my two grandsons (pictured above) is priceless.

I’m living out of my sweet spot, make a living doing it, making a meaningful contribution to many, having greater freedom and flexibility - and being with family. Now, that’s a pretty blessed life!

What Does All This Have To Do With You?

What does all this have to do with you? That’s a legit question.

I think the answer is simple:

  • Are you living your life with purpose and passion?

  • Do you know what your sweet spot is and are living out of it or at least moving in that direction?

  • Are you making the meaningful contribution to life in this season of your life that you desire to?

I’d Love To Help

If you’re not sure you’re living your life with purpose or not even sure what your sweet spot is or how to move in that direction, I’d love to help.

Simply hit the link below and book a free, no obligation, coaching session with me, or if you prefer call me on my cell at 216-374-0016 and let’s talk. I’ve helped hundreds of people through this process of finding and moving into their sweet spot and I’d love to do the same for you.

Living On Purpose


P.S. Don’t delay. Hit the button below and book your free, no obligation, coaching call or call me at 216-374-0016.

Ken Roberts
Two Key Benefits Of Having A Personal Growth Coach
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I trust you've had a GREAT summer and are gearing up for a GREAT fall!

I know you're busy so I'll be brief

With kids back in school, vacations and family reunions over, and with weekend trips to the lake or family cabin coming to a close, many of us are looking to get back into some kind of productive and purposeful routine.

Two Key Benefits Of Having A Personal Growth Coach

As I've coached hundreds of people over the past 3 years, I've noticed two primary benefits of having a personal growth coach.

First, There’s a commitment to a PROCESS

Many times we want to grow, but "life gets in the way." But when you've made a commitment of time, effort, and money into a coaching process, you know that at least once a month your coaching is going to be connecting with you to help you get where you want to go. That's a huge benefit to having a personal life-focus coach.

Second, There’s a commitment in a mutual PARTNERSHIP

Having someone walking with you in the direction you want to go is also huge. Having a coach who can draw things out of you, give you ideas, offer encouragement and inspiration, be a sounding board, keep you on track according to where you want to go and so on, is also extremely invaluable.

In fact, do you know that the stats show if you're working on a goal with someone else, the chances of you reaching your goal goes from 15% (if you try to do it on your own) up to 75 to 80% (if you have someone working with you and walking with you as you move toward that goal)? That's HUGE.

A Special Offer:

I'm working on my coaching schedule for the fall and have a few coaching spots still available, so I'm offering a 3 month (October through December), once a month, one hour coaching session (via zoom) for just $155 a month.

That's 50% off my normal coaching cost.

Here's why I'm offering this special fall offer:

  • I only have a few coaching spots still available

  • I don't want finances to be a deterrent to anyone who really wants coaching

  • I usually only offer a 6 month or 12 month coaching package at much higher rates

  • I want to help you move from where you’re at to where you want to go

Next Steps:

If you are interested simply email me at Ken@kenlroberts.com and or call me on my cell at 216-374-0016 and we'll go from there.

However, if I could hear back from you by September 15th, that way we can get our initial call set up and our first coaching session scheduled for sometime in the month of October.

Living On Purpose,

Ken L Roberts

P.S. If I can serve you, I'd be honored to do so.
Email me at Ken@KenLRoberts.com or
Call me on my cell at 216-374-0016

I Got Smacked - Again - Today!

A few months back I wrote a blog about getting smacked. Read it Here:

It happened again today!

I was having a tough week. Things weren’t going in the direction I wanted them to go, or as fast as I thought they should go. I had been whining, feeling sorry for myself. The “blue funk cloud” was circling.

I was on the phone with a guy I was coaching and he said something that hit me hard. Just in passing he said,

“Our measure of entitlement has direct correlation to our measure of joy.”

Wow! Ouch! Smack!

As soon as I heard it, I had to admit, I was guilty. Much of my lack of joy was directly tied to what I thought I was owed. By God. From Others. From my own hard work.

A few days later I was reading from an author who reinforced this same idea. He wrote:

Have you ever noticed that people who are self-focused and narcissistic are usually really unhappy, if not depressed? But have you also noticed that people who are generally others-focused and more selfless are usually very happy? When we’re down, one of the best things we can do is serve somebody else. It’s the backdoor to joy. And it’s always unlocked. *

Smacked again!

So let me ask you:

  • What’s your current level of entitlement?

  • How’s your current level of joy?

Are the two of them, in any way, related to your current state of appreciation and gratitude for the life you’ve been given and the kind of life your currently living? Just something to think about.

Instead of my coaching client paying me that day, I should have paid him (I didn’t !). But what he said really hit me hard and it continues to help me with my level of joy even today.

I trust it will help you as well.

Living on Purpose

P.S. - In the next few weeks, keep your eye out for a special coaching opportunity, that I’ve never offered. If you’ve ever wanted to have a coach but weren’t sure you could afford it, this maybe your opportunity.

*The quote is from Garden City, by John Mark Comer, p279