My guess is you want to live a life that counts. But if you're like most of my readers you often feel overwhelmed and overworked. Or maybe you feel scattered; running here and there but not sure you're really going anywhere at all. Or worst yet you feel stuck. Stuck in your job, stuck in your weekly responsibilities, stuck in meaningless and endless routines.
It Doesn't Have To Be That Way.
There IS a way to live a more focused life
.... find out HERE.
Ever have those days when you just want to quit? You know you're running at a pace you simply can't sustain, and you honestly wonder how much longer you can do this “leadership thing.” Or even more alarming, you're concerned about who you are becoming in this process of leading others.
Well, Join The Crowd.
All the stats confirm that the bailout, burnout and fallout rates among leaders have never been higher. But, there IS a way to live well while you lead well
... find out how, HERE.
Is your church going through transition and in need of a little help? Does your church want to go to that next level but aren't exactly sure how to get there? Or maybe you want to align your vision, strategy, and staff for greater effectiveness and need a practical process to move you in that direction?
Proven And Practical Help Is Available.
Ken and our team have worked hard to provide multiple resources for ongoing health and growth in the local church
... find out more HERE.
hey, i'm ken...
After 33 years of full-time pastoral ministry, I'm now a full-time speaker, author, coach, and online trainer. Throughout my many years of speaking and writing I've been fortunate to influence thousands of people. And now, through my ongoing speaking and writing, plus my interactive workshops, my One-on-One and online coaching, I'm honored (and truly humbled) to continue helping thousands of people live with increased clarity, deeper passion, and greater purpose.
I'm extremely passionate about my life purpose, and have dedicated the rest of my life to help lives, leaders, and local churches move from where they're at to where they want to be.
If I can help you, I would be honored.

Joel Reichlin // Major-Life Transition
In May of 2017 my wife succumbed to a 4 year battle with breast cancer. Everything in my life radically changed. It was at this time that I had the opportunity to spend time with Ken Roberts. Due to some similarities in our stories, Ken was able to help me navigate through the most challenging time of my life. He helped me stay above water and hold onto a firm hope for my future."
Carolyn Herbert // Leader in Transition
My passion has always been to finish strong; living and leaning each day "forward." As I entered into retirement from full time employment, my coaching sessions with Ken Roberts helped me not "miss a beat" toward that goal. His life-focus approach has made this new season in my life extremely fruitful and fulfilling. I highly, highly recommend Ken to help you grow.
Davey Blackburn // Church Transition
Ken has a unique ability to assess where you're at as a church, where you want to go, and how to get there. He applied strong leadership and church growth principles to our specific situation and helped guide my team in understanding what it will take for us to go to the next level in reaching people and remaining healthy in the process. I'm honored to call Ken a mentor, coach and friend.
5 ways i can help
Life-Focus Online Coaching Course
One-on-One Coaching Sessions
Moving Into Your NEXT Leadership Stage
Leaders' Advance Workshops
Life and Leadership Resources

let's get started
In Joining the "Grow Community" You'll get FREE access to 3 of Ken's 'Top-Grow' Resources.