Is Life Pushing You Off Course?

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On September 1, 1983, Korean Airline flight 0073 took off from Anchorage Alaska heading to Tokyo, Japan.

The end result was catastrophic.  

Ten minutes after take-off the Boeing 747 deviated off course, and although the outcome wasn’t immediate, the end result was catastrophic.  

Its authorized flight path was the northern most route, just 17 miles off the edge of forbidden Russian airspace.

Within five minutes into the flight the plane was already 7.5 miles off course, due north. Somehow the proper course correction was never made, and five and a half hours later the Boeing 747, unknowingly crossed into Russian airspace.

It was promptly shot down.

All 269 passengers and crew were killed.

How about with you?

  • Are you living life on purpose?

  • Are you moving toward who you want to further become and what you want to further accomplish?

  • Have the challenges and headwinds of life pushed you off course?

  • Has the daily drudgery of life put you in a rut, causing you to drift?

  • Have the disappointments of life deadened your heart from having a meaningful life?

If so, I’d love to help.

One of my main purposes in life is to help people live a more purposeful and productive life. So if you feel like life has pushed you off course, or you’re just not sure which direction to head - I’d love to help.

Check Out How I Can Help Here:

Living on Purpose
