A Tribute To My Late Wife
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Fifteen years ago my late wife was killed in a car accident.

It was on a Tuesday.

Earlier that morning, we had exchanged our “I love yous,” said our goodbyes, and headed out in opposite directions. I drove to the health club, and she headed to a women’s Bible study.

I had finished my workout and was on my way home when my cell phone rang. On the other end of the line my daughter informed me that the nearby hospital had called and was trying to reach me. She said Mom had been in a car accident…. That’s all we knew.

I hurried home, picked up my son and rushed to the emergency room. When we arrived, it was clear that the situation was grave. My wife had been hit on the driver’s side of her car by a large sports utility vehicle. She had been resuscitated at the scene and was now lying unconscious in front of me.

I struggled to believe it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004, had started out like any other day, but without warning, this journey called life had taken a sharp, unexpected turn, and for me—life would never be the same.

Three days later, my precious wife of twenty-five years, mother of our two wonderful kids and a friend to so many, was pronounced dead. She was only forty-seven.

As I reflect on the past ten years since her passing, here are a few important lessons I’ve learned:

  • Life goes on; it stops for no one or no thing

  • Life is a gift but it’s also fragile, so cherish it every day

  • Adversity is indiscriminate; live long enough and we all face them

  • No matter how dark the night may get, the sun will come up in the morning

  • God will use all things (if we allow Him) to shape us more and more into the image of His son

  • A life of depth and substance is most often and most deeply shaped in the desert

  • If you keep walking, you will eventually get to the top of the next mountain

  • Death is cruel but it isn’t final

  • God can be trusted; He really can!

  • Heaven is closer than we think and when we get there it’s going to be very, very sweet

None of us know what tomorrow holds. So let’s make every effort of every day to build a life that counts and leave a legacy that matters.

My late wife did. I hope to do the same. I trust you will as well.

Sincerely Submitted
Ken L Roberts


Ken Roberts