Posts tagged a focused life
The Number One Reason You May Not Reach Your Goals in 2019!
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Not sure if you’re a big goal setter or not? Some people are. Some people aren’t.

But if you are, below may be the number one reason you may not reach your goals in 2019. And I think the reason may suprise you.

Many Reasons

What I’ve found in my own life, as well as after coaching hundreds of other individuals, is that there are many reasons we don’t fulfill our goals.

  • Procrastination. Lack of a clear plan. Lack of a reasonable step by step process.

  • No due date assigned to the goal. Weak personal disciplines. We get distracted.

  • Daily life overwhelms us. Inadequate time management…and a score of other reasons.

The Biggest Reason

However, one of the biggest reasons people (including myself) don’t fulfill their goals, may surprise you.

It’s often because we don’t solicit a partner, a coach, a counselor, a trainer or someone … to walk with us and work with us as we pursue our goals.

Here’s What The Research Shows:

According to research done by Dr. Gail Matthews of the Dominican University of California,

  • If a person has a goal but they don’t write it down – it’s just a goal rolling around in their head – the chances of that person reaching that goal is only 15 to 20 percent.

  • If a person writes the goal down and keeps it in a place where they can regularly see and review it, the chances of that person reaching that goal increases to 30 to 40 percent.

  • BUT, if a person has someone working with them to reach that goal –a jogging buddy, a health coach, a work-out trainer, friends dieting together, a personal growth coaching, etc. – then the success rate of that person reaching that goal increases 70 to 80 percent

Bottom Line

So in essence, if you’re serious about reaching your goals in 2019, then having someone encourage you, give you ideas, hold you accountable, motivate you, instruct and inspire you, as you pursue that goal – is essential.

If I can help you reach your goals in 2019, I’d be honored. Below are two specific ways I can help:

  • One on one coaching

  • Life-Focus online coaching course

Living On Purpose

Ken L Roberts

*Research done by Dr. Gail Matthews of the Dominican University of California.

What I've Decided To Do With The Rest of My Life
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Life is made up of seasons. One season followed by another, followed by another...As you string them all together they make up a life. 

As I write this post we are heading into a new season. Vacations are over, kids are back in school, summer is winding down, and fall is just around the corner. 

I’m heading into a new season of life as well. It’s a season that represents what I’ve decided to do with the rest of my life to.   

My new website reflects exactly what I plan on doing with the rest of my life and exactly how I plan on doing it.    

So if you would, give it a quick review here -

Love to hear from you.

Ken L Roberts
Speaker//Author//Coach//Online Trainer


Something You Probably Don't Know About Ruth Graham, But Probably Should
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When evangelist Billy Graham’s wife, Ruth Bell Graham, died in 2007, she chose to have engraved on her gravestone words that had nothing to do with her remarkable achievements.

She tells the story that she had been driving one day along a highway through a construction site, and there were miles of detours and cautionary signs and machinery and equipment. She finally came to this last one, and this final sign read, “End of construction. Thank you for your patience.” *

And that’s what Ruth Bell Graham chose to have written on her gravestone:

End of Construction. Thank you for your patience.”

Leonard Ravenhill, a well-known revivalist of the last century, had these words written on his gravestone:

“Are the things you are living for,
Worth the things Christ died for?”

John Maxwell wants these words written on his gravestone:

“Here lies a man who lived with purpose and intentionality.”

Jehoram (a king in the Old Testament)  had these words left by others on his gravestone:

“He passed away to no one’s regret.”

The words on my late wife’s gravestone are:

“In Christ, With Christ.”

The words I want on my gravestone are:

“He died leaning forward.”

How about you?  What will yours be?


C.S. Lewis put it this way:

“The Christians who did the most for the present world were just those who thought the most of the next…It is in since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this one. Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in; aim at earth and you will get neither.”

So when you come to the end of your life, what do you want people to say about you? What words do you want written on your gravestone?

It’s an honest, probing, important question.

Sincerely submitted,
Ken L Roberts

Please leave a comment: If you have an idea of what you want written on your gravestone—I’d love to hear it. Leave a comment in the section below. Thanks!

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*Material from John Ortberg’s book, Soul Keeping, p 151

Photo of Ruth Bell Graham used under fair use.
“Gravestone of Ruth Bell Graham” by Billy Hathorn licensed under CC BY 3.0.


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