Hey God, “Thanks But No Thanks!”

Guest Post by Pamela Lozano

Hey God, “No Thanks!”

When we head out toward a dream that God has put in our heart, it’s a good thing we don’t know where that dream may lead us or what we might face along the way.

If we knew up front all the hurdles we’d have to jump, the criticisms we’d have to face, the hardships we’d have to tackle, and the self-doubts we’d have to conquer - we would probably just crawl back under the covers and say, “Hey God, No Thanks!”

A Dream Is Born

Six and a half years ago I launched into one of my dreams. I wish I could say it’s been easy...

After being a youth pastor for fifteen years, I heard a lot of stories from teen girls who were dealing with self-hatred; girls who despised the way they looked. And as a result, many of them struggling with eating disorder and other issues of self-harm. Most of these stories came from “churched-girls” who had grown up in homes with loving parents who only wanted the best for them. Yet behind closed doors, many of these girls were struggling to cope with life, and desperately struggling to love themselves.

Pure Design Ministries

As I continued pastoring, my heart broke and I began dreaming of ways I could help teen girls - both within the church but also through a role well beyond the church. So, in 2012, I launched Pure Design Ministries.

Pure Design Ministries is a non-profit 501C 3 organization that seeks to create a counter-cultural brand that empowers girls to set higher standards by imparting confidence through truth and authenticity. We primarily accomplish our mission through blogs, social media posts, online and in-print publications and annual conferences.

Pure Design Teen Magazine was the first key piece. This dream began as I looked for a tangible way to get into the lives and homes of as many teenage girls as possible. Without any prior knowledge in publication or printing, I asked my fifteen-year-old daughter, who loved fashion, to start a magazine with me. This magazine would merge my love for mentoring girls and my daughter’s passion for fashion!  Excitedly, she agreed. So we reached out to a couple friends and their daughters and now six years later we have a team of twenty-five volunteers and many others who help with our publications and events! 

I wish I could say this ministry and the magazine took off like a rocket, but the reality is growth has been very slow, yet thankfully, also very steady. It hasn’t been easy, but the satisfaction of doing something I am both passionate about and believe deeply in is indescribable. Add to that the deep sense of knowing I’m right where I’m supposed to be, and I am able to embrace this place and be at peace.

Three Lessons I’ve Learned Along The Way

Here are three lessons I’ve learned along the way that I hope will encourage you as you pursue your dream.

  • You carry the vision for your dream more passionately than anyone else

There have been several amazing women on my team over the years, but no one lives, eats, breathes and sleeps the vision of my dream like I do.  The women on our team are absolutely vital to carry out what we do, but I am responsible to care for the dream God has entrusted to me.

  • You must have a long-term mentality

We live in a culture that idolizes instant popularity, growth and fame. However, for dreams to truly last they have to be built over time with hard work, effort…and a lot of prayer.  Make sure you are passionate before you launch your dream, and make sure you have the stamina and commitment to keep with it, maybe even without pay for a long period of time.

  • God’s delays are divine delays

I’ve come to embrace the term “divine delays.”  In the past two years, I’ve experienced more delays than ever. Things I hoped to accomplish were shelved, money I hoped to make didn’t come in, and collaborations I hoped would come together didn’t come through. I have learned to trust that God’s timing is absolutely perfect, and His delays are purposeful. I know God doesn’t delay His promises to punish me, but to prepare me for something better down the road. His delays are ultimately for my good.

Dream On

These three keys may not sound fun, but the joy of walking in your purpose and accomplishing our dreams is unmeasurable.  Begin today by crawling out from under the covers and say “Yes” to the things God has called you to do.

Pam Lozano

Pam Lozano is the Founder and President of Pure Design Ministries and Teen Magazine. She has been a youth pastor for over 20 years and currently works with her husband at Oasis City Church in Westerville, Ohio. She loves investing in and mentoring the next generation to raise them up to be who God has designed them to be. Pam loves to sing on the worship team, write, drink Starbucks with friends, and go for long walks.

Pure Design’s website & social media platforms are:


Purchase Pure Design Teen Magazine, The Pure Beauty Devo. and other great products at:  www.puredesigngirl.com

PS - If I can help you fulfill your dreams in 2019, schedule your 20 minute no-obligation get-to-know-you session today. 

Ken Roberts
The Number One Reason You May Not Reach Your Goals in 2019!
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Not sure if you’re a big goal setter or not? Some people are. Some people aren’t.

But if you are, below may be the number one reason you may not reach your goals in 2019. And I think the reason may suprise you.

Many Reasons

What I’ve found in my own life, as well as after coaching hundreds of other individuals, is that there are many reasons we don’t fulfill our goals.

  • Procrastination. Lack of a clear plan. Lack of a reasonable step by step process.

  • No due date assigned to the goal. Weak personal disciplines. We get distracted.

  • Daily life overwhelms us. Inadequate time management…and a score of other reasons.

The Biggest Reason

However, one of the biggest reasons people (including myself) don’t fulfill their goals, may surprise you.

It’s often because we don’t solicit a partner, a coach, a counselor, a trainer or someone … to walk with us and work with us as we pursue our goals.

Here’s What The Research Shows:

According to research done by Dr. Gail Matthews of the Dominican University of California,

  • If a person has a goal but they don’t write it down – it’s just a goal rolling around in their head – the chances of that person reaching that goal is only 15 to 20 percent.

  • If a person writes the goal down and keeps it in a place where they can regularly see and review it, the chances of that person reaching that goal increases to 30 to 40 percent.

  • BUT, if a person has someone working with them to reach that goal –a jogging buddy, a health coach, a work-out trainer, friends dieting together, a personal growth coaching, etc. – then the success rate of that person reaching that goal increases 70 to 80 percent

Bottom Line

So in essence, if you’re serious about reaching your goals in 2019, then having someone encourage you, give you ideas, hold you accountable, motivate you, instruct and inspire you, as you pursue that goal – is essential.

If I can help you reach your goals in 2019, I’d be honored. Below are two specific ways I can help:

  • One on one coaching https://kenlroberts.com/new-page-3

  • Life-Focus online coaching course https://kenlroberts.com/new-page/

Living On Purpose

Ken L Roberts

*Research done by Dr. Gail Matthews of the Dominican University of California.

Every Season Has a Purpose. What's Yours?

Guest Post by Nicole Roberts

Every Season Has Its Purpose 

Each season we walk through has a purpose and plan. Whether it is a job change, a move, death of a loved one, or other challenges and changes, seasons are a reality of life. Each season brings different emotions, offers opportunities to grow, and teaches us a new life lesson.

Here are three life lessons I’ve learned about embracing every season of life.

First, no season in life ever need to be wasted.

Every season we encounter plays a part in helping us grow, develops our character, and pushing us further into the dreams and destiny. I’ve specifically found this to be true in my own life through various jobs I’ve had. Each position has grown me: my abilities and my confidence.They have also moved me closer to my career. I have never walked through a season that didn’t change me for the better or adequately equip me for the next season of my life.

Secondly, every season, even when it may be difficult, has it blessings.

Finding the blessings in each season can help us remain focused and cultivate a positive attitude. This is particularly important when walking through a challenging season. Every morning, even before getting out of bed, I often begin speaking words of gratitude. Being grateful for my family, friends, a job, health, a roof over my head, food in the fridge, opportunities and so many, many more - help me cultivate an attitude of gratitude. I have found this to especially be helpful and important for me to do when I’ve been in a difficult or challenging season. Rehearsing the blessings in our lives allows us to put situations and circumstances of life into proper perspective.

Lastly, remember that God is in control of the seasons of our life.

God knows the seasons, good or bad, even before we do. And He promises to never leave us or forsake us. He promises to be faithful and complete what He has started. I’ve found that when we allow God into our seasons He brings peace and clarity.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

In whatever season you are in, I trust you will embrace it, learn from it, and apply whatever lesson God may be teaching you in it.

Living On Purpose,

Nicole Roberts

Guest Blogger Nicole Roberts is currently getting her Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy through Liberty University. She has over a decade of experience working with young women struggling with life controlling issues. In her free time she enjoys blogging, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

Is Leadership Twisting You or Transforming You?
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As Christian Leaders we know that God is committed to shaping us into the likeness of His son and that He will use all things toward that end.

But the question is,

Do we see the everyday challenges of leadership as an opportunity for God’s shaping in our life to occur?

I Didn’t!

For many years I didn’t.

But through some hard knocks in life and leadership and cultivating a completely new mental and emotional shift toward the challenges of leadership - I now have a completely different view.

  • Instead of seeing a conflict with someone under my leadership as a battle to be won, I now see it as an opportunity for my own personal growth.

  • Instead of viewing the challenges that come with leading as just another aggravation, I now see it as an opportunity to be transformed into the image of His son.

  • Instead of my attitude starting with that thought that the issue is about the other person or even about the problem, I now start with the attitude that issue is about what God wants to do in my life through this situation.

  • Instead of starting with the thought “who is right or wrong in this situation?” or “how am I going to win this disagreement?” I now start by asking, “God, how do You want to use this situation to shape me into the image of Your son?”

How About You?

Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many Christian leaders become more twisted than transformed through their leadership journey. And honestly, I’ve dealt with the same challenge.

But for us as Christian leaders the question becomes:

  • How are we allowing the things that happen in our life and leadership to shape us?

  • Are we becoming more hardened or more humble?

  • Are we becoming more cynical or more gracious?

  • Are we becoming more resentful or more thankful?

  • Are we becoming more bitter or more compassionate?

As A Fellow Traveler…

As a fellow traveler, I would encourage you to take some time and be honest to whether life and leadership is transforming you or twisting you?

Living and Leading On Purpose

Ken L Roberts

PS: If I can help you continue to live well as you lead well, I’d be honored. Email me at ken@kenLRoberts.com or call me at 216-374-0016

A Fight For Life
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When I was eight a kid from my neighborhood would regularly invite me over to fight.

With my heart pounding, I would slam down the phone, race across the open field next to my house, dart across a busy two-lane road, jump a ditch, and land in his Billy’s back yard.

Billy would be waiting for me with a pair of boxing gloves.

In Billy’s back yard, was our boxing arena—an 8 foot by 8 foot woodshed: with a broken door, no windows, and a dirt floor. Once inside, like two miniature gladiators, we would lace up our gloves and prepare for battle.

Billy’s reason for boxing was a bit twisted.

He was smaller than most kids his age and what he lacked in size he wanted to make up in toughness. I was bigger than most kids my age, so Billy chose me to beat on him and help toughen him up.

A sick reason to fight, but I gladly obliged.

Even before our fight started, we both knew how it would end—I would win. I always did. As a result, Billy and I had a pre-battle agreement. When Billy got so dazed he either didn’t know where he was, could no longer get up from the dirt floor, or simply said, “Enough beating for now,” we would unlace the gloves, head toward the house (Billy stumbling toward it), and like good friends should, end the day with a cool glass of lemonade.

My boxing bouts with Billy remind me of our own battle.

We get knocked around by life so frequently, the blows coming from so many directions, that we are often left dazed. But what’s so alarming isn’t the dizziness or damage left from the pounding, but our lack of awareness that we’re even in a fight. Being convinced we are in a fight is half the battle and diligently engaging in it is the other half.

If you are in a fight, keep fighting. Your life, and those you love, may depend on it!

Living on Purpose


PS. If I can help you in your fight, I’d be honored to do so. Contact me at Ken@KenLRoberts.com